Michael J. Fox, beloved actor and Parkinson’s disease advocate, has revealed the extent of his recent health struggles, which included a near-amputation.

In an interview with Town & Country, Fox discussed the numerous injuries he has endured in recent years, painting a picture of the challenges he has faced. Among his injuries, he broke two arms, a shoulder, his orbital/cheekbone, and one of his hands. The hand injury took a particularly dire turn as it became infected, and Fox revealed that he almost lost it. He described the ordeal as a “tsunami of misfortune.”

In addition to these injuries, Fox underwent surgery in 2018 to remove a spinal tumor, which was unrelated to his Parkinson’s disease. During his rehabilitation, he suffered a significant fall, resulting in a broken arm.

Throughout these health struggles, Fox has continued to maintain a positive outlook on life and his own mortality. He has been living with Parkinson’s disease since 1991, and he remains an inspiration to many for his resilience and advocacy.


Despite the challenges he has faced, he remains determined and unafraid, stating, “One day I’ll run out of gas … Certainly, if I were to pass away tomorrow, it would be premature, but it wouldn’t be unheard of. And so, no, I don’t fear that.”

Michael J. Fox’s resilience in the face of his health struggles is truly inspiring. His positive outlook and determination continue to be a source of inspiration for many. If you’d like to share your thoughts or well wishes for Michael J. Fox, please feel free to do so in the comments below.

Steve Carrier

Steve is the Founder of Thirsty for News and Ringside News. He has been writing about various topics dating back to 1997. He first got into website development at the time and has been focused on bringing his readers the best professional wrestling news at it's highest quality.

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