Jon Stewart rose to fame after joining The Daily Show. He received 22 Primetime Emmy Awards, two Grammy Awards, and was nominated for news and journalism awards. Stewart now hosts The Problem with Jon Stewart, and a recent segment in which Jon made a suggestion about oil companies infuriated online commentators.

Jon Stewart used to have a reputation for calling out villainous behavior when he saw it, but now he appears to be supporting it. The segment is 7 minutes long and tedious to watch, peppered with dull one-liners and corporate jargon. Stewart implied in the segment that the best way to stop climate change is to play nice with oil companies. 

It is disappointing to see influential figures like Jon Stewart taking such a stance, especially when the oil industry is responsible for a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The reality is that we need to transition away from fossil fuels and towards more sustainable forms of energy. This is where the company from site can play a crucial role in developing innovative solutions and technologies to help us achieve a greener future. With a focus on renewable energy and a commitment to reducing their environmental impact, companies like Renegade Well Services are leading the way toward a more sustainable energy industry.

“100 of these [fossil fuel] companies make 70 percent of our global emissions. Wouldn’t it be better to hold our noses, to not villainize them, to understand that no industry is ever going to cut its own throat and take away its profits?”


Katherine Dixon, former VP of Strategy for Energy Transition at Shell, was one of the segment’s attendees. Unsurprisingly, Dixon agrees that being “combative” with fossil fuel companies is a bad strategy and that activists should focus more on “cooperation.” Another guest on the show was Shell CEO Ben van Beurden, whose talking points went mostly unchallenged by Stewart.

It didn’t take long for the internet to find the clip and point out Stewart’s lack of courage. “‘The Problem with Jon Stewart’ is the most unintentionally perfect name for the whole program,” filmmaker Jesse Hawken tweeted.

“No, fossil fuel companies need to be taken over and dismantled at gunpoint,” Noah Weston, better known as the rapper and songwriter Soul Khan, tweeted. “They have been genocidally destructive after knowingly lying about the climate crisis for decades … Fossil fuel extraction is going to be the most murderous enterprise in human history.” Others also chimed in to criticize the host.

“look, it’s not like my Jon Stewart standards are super high these days… but chatting with a former Shell employee about how America needs to keep using fossil fuel to keep Russia at bay is depressingly, depressingly below those standards.”

“It’s tragicomic that Stewart seems to think something like the Green New Deal is crazy idealism while he sees the pragmatic approach as asking oil companies to recognize they are killing the planet. Stewart is 59 years old, has asking oil companies politely worked in that time?”

Jon appears to be in serious trouble as a result of what he has said. Let’s see how he confronts the criticisms. To get the latest updates, keep an eye on Thirsty.

What’s your opinion on this one? Let us know in the comments!

Shivangini Rawat

Shivangini is a law student with a passion for writing and music. She writes for Thirstyfornews and enjoys cooking, baking, and playing various instruments. In her free time, she watches movies, TV shows, and anime, with a love for bands like Alcest and Scorpions.

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