“Rocky” is an iconic boxing franchise featuring Sylvester Stallone as the ultimate underdog Rocky Balboa. The production company is working on “Drago,” a spinoff of “Creed,” which is in turn a spinoff of “Rocky.” Sylvester Stallone recently slammed the director and producers for ruining the iconic character.

The news that a “Rocky” spinoff based on the Drago character is in development at MGM and that Sylvester Stallone is not a part of it was first reported by The Wrap. Stallone took to Instagram to show is rage over the decision. He said that the pathetic 94-year-old producer and his children are ruining the franchise for their selfish desires.

Another Heartbreaker… Just found this out…ONCE AGAIN , this PATHETIC 94 year old PRODUCER and HIS MORONIC USELESS VULTURE CHILDREN, Charles And David , are once again picking clean THE BONES of another wonderful character I created without even telling me … I APOLOGIZE to the FANS , I never wanted ROCKY characters to be exploited by these parasites… By the way, I have nothing but respect for my true friend , Dolph Lundgren.

MGM is placing a hefty wager on the house of Drago. Robert Lawton has been selected as the screenplay’s author. He was hired after impressing MGM officials with his spec script “Becoming Rocky,” which tells the story of how the original “Rocky” movie was made.


It’s unknown if Lundgren or Florian Munteanu, who played Viktor Drago, would return for the spinoff of the spinoff plot. Check out Stallone’s latest Instagram post below.

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Gunjan Nath

In search of simplicity and inner peace, Gunjan is basically a guy soldiering through his paranoia. You could say Art, Witty/Dark Humor, Movies, Anime, Post-rock/Black Metal/Hip-Hop/Shoegaze Music, Football, Creative Writing, Photography, Videography are his forte. A Jack of All Trades and a Master of Many.

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