Robert Morse famously played Bertram Cooper in the critically acclaimed TV series, “Mad Men.” Working alongside Jon Hamm and a talented ensemble cast, Morse perfectly encapsulated a Madison Avenue ad boss in the popular period piece. Sadly, Robert Morse passed away this week at the age of 90.

Bert Cooper was an iconic character from an iconic series. The eclectic head of Sterling Cooper appeared in 74 episodes during the show’s incredibly successful run. Mad Men wasn’t the only thing Robert Morse was known for, however.

Morse got his start on the stage in the mid-1950s. He appeared in several Broadway shows, all the way through 2017. Robert also acted in several films spanning the decades. He was an accomplished television character actor as well.

Hollywood stars and fans alike have been paying tribute to the famed actor. VP of the board of governors of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences called him a huge talent and a beautiful spirit upon announcing the passing of Robert Morse. Many will miss his one-of-a-kind charm and talent.


Robert Morse is survived by his wife Elizabeth Roberts and four children, Charlie, Robin, Hilary, and Andrea. Morse had a long, productive career and brought smiles to the faces of millions. Things won’t be the same without him.

Robert Morse is one of very few actors who were able to adapt to every medium, every role, and every challenge ahead of him. He will be dearly missed by his family, friends, co-stars, and loved ones. Everyone at Thirsty sends our deepest condolences to those whose lives Robert touched.

Michael Perry

Michael Perry is a news contributor for Ringside News and Thirsty for News. Michael has an M.A. in Communication Technology from Point Park University in his hometown of Pittsburgh, PA.

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