The Game is riding the peak wave in his career following the success of his new single “EAZY” with Kanye West. Fans are looking forward to seeing the 42-year-old rapper unleash passionate rhymes during this later stage of his career on his upcoming studio album. It seems The Game went over the top while describing his current success and 50 Cent was paying attention.

It’s astonishing that The Game is still performing at such a high level after all these years. While we wait for additional details on The Game’s new album, the rapper recently remarked that Kanye West has done more for him and his career in two short weeks than Dr. Dre has done in decades.

With that statement, he most certainly meant no disrespect to Dr. Dre, but it ruffled some feathers, prompting a response from 50 Cent, who has worked closely with Game and Dre over the years. 50 Cent recently responded to The Game’s recent remark on Twitter.

Hun, what happen here?


Many people are pointing out that the rapper almost certainly didn’t notice his typo before pressing post, putting “Hun” instead of “Huh.” Regardless, his befuddlement was conveyed, as he appears to have no understanding what The Game is talking about.

The Game appears to be overlooking serious contributions despite the fact that Dr. Dre was a key figure in his early success. Both Dr. Dre and Kanye West have production credits on The Game’s The Documentary, although Game was working closely with Dre at the time, taking up the producer’s considerable business expertise.

Tags: Kanye West
Gunjan Nath

In search of simplicity and inner peace, Gunjan is basically a guy soldiering through his paranoia. You could say Art, Witty/Dark Humor, Movies, Anime, Post-rock/Black Metal/Hip-Hop/Shoegaze Music, Football, Creative Writing, Photography, Videography are his forte. A Jack of All Trades and a Master of Many.

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