Model Erica Mena and rapper Safaree Samuels started dating in 2018 and got engaged just a month later before getting married the following year. Erica and Safaree recently appeared in Love & Hip Hop Family Reunion, in which they appeared to work out their disagreements.

Erica Mena is looking to Kim Kardashian for inspiration now that she has taken a step that signals she’s that much closer to being officially divorced. Kim has been deemed legally unmarried, albeit not entirely divorced, following a court hearing, according to reports.

Now if only this were possible in the State of Georgia. 😩🤞🏽

Kanye has been making public pleas for his wife’s return in recent weeks, even sending her flowers on Valentine’s Day while reportedly dating Julia Fox. Erica Mena and Safaree Samuels are another celebrity couple that have yet to formally split.


The entire globe was privy to the evolution of their romance as it unfolded on television, including their proposal and wedding. However, the couple announced their divorce while Mena was pregnant with their son. In nasty moments played out online, Mena has mentioned infidelity, and social media fans have received real-time updates from either party.

Although there have been stories of the two’s continuous court-centered back and forth, there have been few updates on the status of their divorce. Mena watched as a reporter tweeted about Kanye and Kim’s court appearance today, hoping to be offered a similar solution soon. Take a look at the video below.

Gunjan Nath

In search of simplicity and inner peace, Gunjan is basically a guy soldiering through his paranoia. You could say Art, Witty/Dark Humor, Movies, Anime, Post-rock/Black Metal/Hip-Hop/Shoegaze Music, Football, Creative Writing, Photography, Videography are his forte. A Jack of All Trades and a Master of Many.

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