Joy Behar is the latest hot topic. The fiery redhead hit the ground hard on Thursday’s episode of The View. Although she is doing just fine after suffering an on-air mishap.

Joy Behar had a dramatic fall Thursday morning while walking onto the set of The View. The longtime co-host slipped and hit the ground as she attempted to maneuver into her seat. Behar needed the help of Haines and Hostin to get back on her feet and a production assistant also ran onstage for added support.

Co-hosts Sara Haines and legal eagle Sunny Hostin were heard gasping before they tried to help Behar get up from the ground. After Behar’s co-hosts helped her off the ground moderator Whoopi Goldberg said “These chairs move!”. “You touch it and you’re on the ground” added Goldberg.

Behar quickly recovered and laughed off the incident. Sunny Hostin said it’s “happened to all of us at one time or another”. “25 years, that has never happened to me” Behar added.


“Who do I sue?” she continued. “My husband is home laughing, I bet”. Upon getting settled into her seat, Behar recalled what happened in the brief incident. “I went flying,” she said. While Sara Haines pointed out how high the chairs are, Goldberg joked that it “takes a glass of wine to get into the chair”.

Goldberg then asked Behar if she is alright after the fall. “I just missed the step, as usual” Behar said”.

Just last week Behar was blasted after she complained that the war in Ukraine ruined her planned vacation to Italy.

Checkout her hilarious once in a 25 years fall below :

Artoria Pendragon

Artoria is an appreciator and explorer of distinct culture and aim to get well known with every culture out there. He is also into Anime series, Movies , Light Novels , Musics. Has interest in Photography , Arts and field relating to Astronomy. Hunger for knowledge. Used to work as a part time photographer , Now working as full-fledged Cloud Developer and aim to become a Cloud Architect. His hobby is Gastronomy which includes both cooking and trying out food from various cuisines. And last but not the least : A Cat Enthusiast.

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