The disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein who is currently held in Twin Towers jail in downtown Los Angeles was caught with an outside item during a search.

Harvey Weinstein was caught with a box of contraband Milk Duds in jail, which promoted disapproval from L.A. County jail guards. The Milk Duds were found on Weinstein during a search.

Prior to the search, Harvey had a face-to-face meeting with one of his attorneys, Shawn Burkley. It is believed that Burkley might have slipped them in. The Milk Duds have been confiscated, and the guards have warned that they’ll be searching for anyone who will visit Weinstein in the future.

However, Weinstein had claimed he brought the chocolates with him when he was extradited from New York in July, but the jail officers believe Burkley slipping might have been the case.


The attorney bringing Weinstein is most likely the case because Harvey was searched as he arrived at the L.A. County jail’s medical facility, and nothing was found. In a statement to Variety, Weinstein has apologized for the incident.

“This was an innocent misunderstanding,” Weinstein said. “It will not happen again. I have been a model inmate, following the rules and regulations and I am sincerely sorry.”

Harvey’s lead attorney have also issued the apology regarding the incident.

“We have been informed about this and are very sorry it happened,” they said. “It had not happened before, and never happened since. Harvey has been a model inmate and intends to continue as such.”

Weinstein is being treated at the medical facility, Correctional Treatment Center, which is within the earlier mentioned jail in L.A. Harvey currently waits for a trial on 11 charges of rape and sexual assault. As of right now, he is getting treatment for several health-related problems, including diabetes, cardiac issues, sleep apnea, and eye issues.

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Bhupen Dange

Bhupen is a freelance writer for Ringside News and Thirsty For News; he is pursuing further studies in Computer Science. Since high school, he has actively participated in athletic activities, and when he is not playing video games, he spends his time in the gym training, watching movies, and walking his dog outside.

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