Peaky Blinders and Downton Abbey and one of the most popular history shows from British TV. With new seasons of both shows coming soon, a tragedy has fallen on set. The filming sets used for the popular historical shows have caught fire.

Fire fighter are still trying their best to contain the fire. The set used in the hugely successful “Downton Abbey” and “Peaky Blinders” series is currently engulfed in flames. The shows were initially released back in 2010 and 2013. Owing to their popularity both are still running.

Peaky Blinders is now on its sixth season. Downton Abbey was also released as a feature film in September 2019. Screen Yorkshire executive Richard Knight described the fire as “a sad loss to the Yorkshire film-making landscape.”

Reports say the fire broke out at the historic Dalton Mills building in Keighley, West Yorkshire. The fire took place at midday this Thursday. Video from the scene shows the scope of the massive blaze. As per TMZ there are allegedly more than 100 firefighters on hand to battle the inferno.


It’s unclear what may have started the fire. Local residents have been advised to keep their windows and doors closed to help prevent damage from the huge clouds of smoke billowing into the air. There haven’t been any confirmed reports of loss of life as of yet.

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Shifa Jahan

Shifa Jahan is a freelance writer with a passion for pop culture and entertainment news. With a background in copywriting and academic writing, she brings a unique perspective to her work. Currently pursuing her Masters in Comparative Literature, Shifa also has a love for theatre, teaching, and exploring different cultures and languages.

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