Kylie Jenner has received a lot of backlash from fans on the popular video-sharing platform Tik Tok after sharing a clip of her daily meal. For breakfast, she allegedly has granola with yogurt and fresh berries, garnished with a photogenic sprig of mint with a cup of matcha.

For mid-morning snacks, Jenner has coconut water served in an actual coconut shell. She has a healthy salad for lunch while her afternoon snacks were red grapes and lemon water with a few drops of fulvic drops, which is from the brand blk water. Her dinner was a tiny portion of pasta in a cream or cheese sauce with some salad and a few asparagus spears. Kylie Jenner enjoys a batch of chocolate chip cookies after all the healthy food.

The video amassed more than 49,000 comments and not all the replies were positive. Many people commented on the little amount of food with remarks such as:

“I eat all of that as one meal, Who only eats 4 asparagus and That’s one mouthful of pasta.”


“Not one of those meals did she lift a finger for” and “I would eat that too if I was a billionaire with a personal chef.” 

“I’m sitting at home eating Noodles and Cereal,” “I eat rice and beans,” and “Bruh I’m lucky if I get dominos,” but one person did point out that “The stuff I get at the gas station looks and probably taste[s] better.”

Considering that Kylie Jenner has a net worth of nearly 1 billion dollars, users were surprised by how little she eats when she can easily afford a meal that is both delectable and healthy. The cookie drew attention as being the only normal-looking snack in the video.

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Tags: Kylie Jenner
Israel Lutete

Israel Lutete is a lifelong wrestling fan with a decade of experience in the writing field. He is committed to creating content that readers will enjoy and be informed.

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